Published May 06, 2024 inProduct updates

Improved text creation

By Daniel Chung
Waffle's new text widget.

This week, we tackled a significant challenge: enhancing our text inputs by incorporating font styles, list options, and overall customization. Our previous Note widget was static and lacked flair. Now, users can modify text using various controls and resize the widget as needed.

Here's a rundown of the new Edit Text options:

  • A-: Decrease text size.
  • A+: Increase text size.
  • Bold: Apply bold font style.
  • Italic: Apply italic font style.
  • Underline: Apply underline font style.
  • Bullet: Create a bulleted list.
  • Number: Create a numbered list.
  • Check: Create a check list.

Our goal is to implement these features across all text inputs within widgets. For now, we to hope to enhance the flexibility of the Note widget and improve the text usability.